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Freemans Bay Blog


The Best Childrens Books

Here at Oma Rāpeti we adore reading. There is so much imagination and escape to be found within the pages of books. By reading to your children you are helping them learn and giving them the future gift of being a book worm. We pulled together some of our absolute favourites. Some of them are meaningful with a great message, some play with words and rhyming and some are just plain hilarious! 

All the Ways to be Smart - Davina Bell and Allison Colpoys

This book is a must have for all shelves. Building on social competencies, confidence and looking at intelligence as more than (but including) being academically smart. It has a beautiful underlying message, gorgeous illustrations and is a lovely easy read for parents. 

Just Breathe - Jen Sievers

Never underestimate the power of teaching your children to be mindful and aware. The ability to regulate those emotions and take time for yourself is a powerful gift you can give your children to take into adulthood. Jen Sievers is a wonderful artist and author who walks you through a simple mindfulness journey of taking some deep breaths.

Piranhas Don't Eat Bananas - Aaron Blabey

This is a golden opportunity to test out your high school drama class acting abilities, playing the role of the overly enthusiastic piranha Brian, as he tries to convince his buddies to eat bananas. 

Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus - Mo Willems

This books involves a hilarious pigeon that is trying desperately to convince you, the reader, to let him drive the bus. Insisting he'll be very careful and knows how. He goes through some big emotions and is quite the character!

There's a Bear on my Chair - Ross Collins

Ross Collins has a beautiful way of playing with words and we can recommend both this one and "This Zoo is Not For You". 

"He is so BIG
it's hard to share.
There isn't any
room to spare.

We do not
make a happy pair,
a mouse and bear
with just one chair."

The downside to these books... they are just so catchy! You'll find yourself repeating "This Zoo is Not For You" throughout the day.

Oi Cat! Kes Gray & Jim Field

This book introduces all sorts of fun rhyming and words to your reading, with a great build up to a ending that is bound to have your child giggling!

The Ultimate Survival Guide to Monsters Under the Bed - Mitch Frost and Daron Parton

This one is a gem if you have children worrying about monsters living under the bed or in the closet. Helpful tips such as cleaning your room before bed is sure to make it tempting to add this book to the collection! 

Care for Our World - Karen Robbins & Alexandra Ball

Environmentally this is one of the top books, teaching children to care for our world and for all living things. 

"Care for all creatures no matter how small;
the Earth's their backyard and home for us all."

It is a beautiful reminder we have one earth and you can make a difference by enjoying the world gently. 

I'm from New Zealand - Ella O'Reilly

Kia ora - this is one for our younger children, with a great introduction to some simple casual Te Reo phrases. Not too many words and with great illustrations, this books goes through some of the best parts of quintessential kiwi culture. It is ka pai!

The Koala who Could - Rachel Bright & Jim Field

From the creators of The Lion Inside and The Squirrels who Squabbled, this gem follows along with a little mouse who has to face up to the big lion. A wonderful message of how everyone not only has an inner lion but an inner mouse as well. 

Hopefully you enjoyed our recommendations.

Keep reading some of our other blogs; how to get your child to eat and all about our compostable nappies.


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